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Computer Related => Ask the techies! => Topic started by: JollyRoger on July 18, 2004, 01:28:28 AM

Title: Ambush Webguys help me out!
Post by: JollyRoger on July 18, 2004, 01:28:28 AM
M$ IE sux
I have a pay button on my website that when
you ckick on it, it will open up a small window that shows payment methods for the lanparty I am hold in October.
you need to be logged in as a member to view it.  
It 's Javascript and it works in every browser 'sept IE why? how do I fix it?


Script Language="JavaScript"
function launch(){"","LAN - Pay","width=468,height=432,top=120,left=120,resizable=no,scrollbars=yes,menubar=no,toolbar=no,status=no,location=no")}

a href=\"javascript:launch()\"

"side note, yes the accual code has 'pointy brackets' "
Title: Ambush Webguys help me out!
Post by: JollyRoger on July 19, 2004, 03:17:17 PM
Title: Ambush Webguys help me out!
Post by: ZWarrior on July 19, 2004, 04:40:41 PM
And now he is speechless?


I would take a look at the settings for the browser.  Most likely it is not allowing the use of Java, somehow.  I have several sites that I am a member of that I cannot login to using IE only Firefox because of something that has changed in IE recently.  I haven't had the time to look further.  However, I will compare this code to ours and see how ours works and yours doesn't.

Gimme a bit to figure it out, though.

regarding the SSH, it seems that there may be a bug in the CPanel code that turned off my ability to turn it on.  I am working on it.  I may have to create a hacked work-around. ;)