General > Taunting Room

VFF - Mark 2.0

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*Slowly the surrounding materialize and Jolly jumps for joy to realize that he is now in an all-you-can-eat cafeteria *

"Woot!  bean dip here I come!"

*ZW wanders over and looks out hte window *

"Hmm, better eat quick, here comes the others."

*pulls his trusty .357 with Tracer(tm) rounds out*

"let's send them a greeting they will never forget!"

*ZW aims at Snauz through the window and fires.  The round shatters the glass and starts heading for Snauz, who sees the movement and heads off in another direction.  The bullet adjusts direction and slides around the table that Snauz has thrown in it's way.    Snauz jumps into a trash dumpster and the round pierces the cheap metal and explodes, taking Snauz with it. *

"Jolly, better grab a doggy bag, buddy.  They know we are here, and are heading this way."

Looking over his shoulder ZW yells:
"Welcome to VFF Mark 2.0 Guys!":hat:


"WERE..........MY LAB.................o well

"hmm hey jolly what the special today AND Z EHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT FEEDING HIM!"

What the h..........

They must have fed jolly again:lol: Fraggy thinks to himself as he procures parts for his weapon of mass destruction and hides it so President (Am) Bush doesnt find it

ZW taps on the porta-pad and a glowing ball appears in the air in front of him

"To the lab!"

*steps into the glow and it closes beind him with a sound closely resembling a sucker being pulled from a lemon peel through a cheese grater*

a second sun, no it cant be, *runs like no other into the glow*

SWEET, what ya got in herr Z?


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